Shanghai Dilong International Trade Co.,Ltd
Name:Shanghai Dilong International Trade Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: aluminum fluoride
CAS No: 7784-18-1
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: white free-flowing powder, 90% min
Packing: PP bag inside PE bag,25kgs/50kgs/1000kgs net weight
Post Time: 2012-04-25
Usage: To be used as adjusting agent for electrolyte in the aluminium smelting by fused salt electrolysis, also in ceramic glaze, catalyst and flux of nonferrous metal metallurgy, etc.
Description: aluminum fluoride white free-flowing powder, 90% min As a flux in reducing the melting point of alumina during the electrolytic. In process of primary aluminium smelting, increase yield, reduce environmental pollution and cut production cost.
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