Shanghai Dilong International Trade Co.,Ltd
Name:Shanghai Dilong International Trade Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: fluorosilicic acid
CAS No: 16961-83-4
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic acids
Product spec: Aqueous solution is colorless transparent fuming liquid
Packing: In 25/150/250kg PE Drum
Post Time: 2012-04-25
Usage: It is basic materials to prepare potassium fluozirconate, ammonium fluozirconate, magnesium fluozirconate, copper fluozirconate, barium fluozirconate, lead fluozirconate and other fluosilicate, silicon tetrafluoride. Used in metal plating, wood preservation, beer disinfection, equipment disinfection in brewing industry (1-2% H2SiF6 ) and lead electroanalysis etc.. Also used as mordant and metal finishing.
Description: fluorosilicic acid It is colorless transparent liquid with specific gravity of 1.32. The boiling piont is 108.5°C. It has thrill smell, strong corrosiveness and poison. Fluosilicate acid volatilizes easily, cannot be made into anhydrous, the highest strength is 60.92%, but it is best stable when the strength is 13.3%. It doesn''t decompose as distillation. It can erode glasses,pottery,aluminium and other metals. It has severe corrosive effect on skin, and is toxic to breathing apparatus of human.
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